Women Involved in Software & Hardware
< we're so glad you're here! >
WISH (Women Involved in Software & Hardware) is a support group for female computing majors at the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Founded in 2007, WISH is still a young community that continues to grow each year. Our goal is to empower our technical women and rectify the gender gap in the computing field.
ABOUT US JOIN OUR DISCORDmentorship & support
As a club, we take great pride in our ability to provide mentorship and support to our members. Within our vibrant community, our members step up as mentors to offer their insights and encouragement to those wanting support. Our club serves as a tight-knit support network committed to creating an environment where every member can thrive and achieve their goals.

general meetings & events
Our meetings are moments where we share events, set goals, and reconnect with friends! We also hold events to celebrate our shared interests and passions. We take pride in creating engaging and meaningful meetings and events, as they are essential in cultivating a thriving and inclusive club environment.
OUR CALENDARLet's Stay in Touch
Explored our website and want to see more?
Check out our Linktree and Instagram page to see what WISH is up to, and join our LinkedIn group to connect with alumni. Even better, sign up for our weekly newsletter to stay updated on club news, upcoming events, and more!
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